Tamela King, RCRT
Tamela has a B.Sc. in Microbiology and M.Sc. in Biochemistry. She is a certified Reflexology Therapist with the Reflexology Association of Canada and a certified PaRama BodyTalk practitioner with the International BodyTalk Association. She also has training in Bodyintuitive, Accunect, Visceral Manipulation and Cranial Sacral therapy.
Tamela’s work has a strong base in Chinese Medicine healing principles. She recognizes that every part of our body’s systems has an effect on every other part of the body. Stress (including beliefs and emotions) can hijack the brain and pull resources away from our body’s ability to heal itself. During treatment, Tamela takes into account the physical and psychological issues affecting her client’s body. She then works with clients to help them towards a state of mind that brings mental and emotional balance to the body, which allows the body to heal and become realigned.
“Living more consciously allows our wellbeing to improve.”
Tamela offers Body Talk, Reflexology sessions or combination of the 2 modalities.
Contact Information:
Phone: (306) 229-5729
Email: [email protected]